How To Clean Dog Vomit From Wool Rug (The Best Way)

Updated on July 24, 2022 by Brett

While people very seldom vomit on our rugs, our dogs and cats sometimes do. One thing you should know is the difference in vomit and regurgitation.

Pets will sometimes eat too much dry food too fast, and it comes right back up as soon as they become active again. It looks like mushy kibble with some shape left, not just pool of nasty gravy stuff, which is real vomit.

Either way it is not really difficult to eliminate completely with today’s machines and cleaners.

In this post, you’ll learn, how to clean dog vomit from wool rug
without damaging the fibers or color of your delicate rugs.

How to Clean Dog Vomit from Wool Rug And Carpet: (Step By Step)

how to clean dog vomit from wool rug

Removing fresh pet vomit from wool carpet and rugs is relatively easier than dealing with older pet stains. Follow our best method which is very effective for spot clean a wool rug and carpet.

Part 1: How to Clean Fresh Dog Vomit from Wool Rug Naturally

Tools you’ll need to get started:

  • Blunt kitchen knife or other scraper
  • Clean colorfast rags or towels
  • Pad or towels to put under the rug (colorfast)
  • Mild dish soap or shampoo
  • Clean paint brush, soft toothbrush or wooden spoon
  • Dry cleaning Solvent like these

Step 1: Identify if it is vomit or regurgitation: regurgitation has shape like the food

Step 2: Use scraping tool to carefully scrape up as much of the mess from the rug as possible.

Step 3: Liberally sprinkle area with corn starch and gently beat in with paint brush, toothbrush (best for small areas) or wooden spoon. Let stand 20 minutes.

Note: If the stain and smell still exists continue with the following steps.

Step 4: Spray dry cleaning fluid on area and follow the directions of the product you use. Wait 10 to 20 minutes, then sponge off with a clean rag or towel until nearly dry. The stain should no longer show.

Step 5: If you can still see any stain, spray liberally with a mixture of 1 tablespoon white vinegar, 1 tablespoon liquid dish soap or shampoo with two cups lukewarm water. Sponge clean with natural sponge using warm water in a bucker or bowl.

Step 6: Rinse with cool water and let dry.

Part 2: How to Clean Old pet vomit stain from wool carpet With Baking Soda?

Clean Old Pet Vomit Stain From Wool Carpet

Tools you’ll need to get started:

  • Blunt kitchen knife or other scraper
  • Clean colorfast rags or towels
  • Pad or towels to put under the rug (colorfast)
  • Woolite or shampoo for tinted hair (color protective)
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3% medical grade
  • Clean paint brush, soft toothbrush or wooden spoon
  • Dry cleaning Solvent like these
  • Water and a small bucket

Step 1: Scrape any solids or crystallized matter with blunt object

Step 2: Sponge with mixture of Woolite and water or shampoo for tinted hair and water until stain is gone or is not getting lighter. Sponge with dry clean rags or towels until nearly dry.

Note: If the stain still exists on your wool rug continue with the following steps.

Step 3: If stain is still visible spray with 3% hydrogen peroxide (medical strength) and wait until foaming stops. The foam happens because the vomit is organic material and also contains germs. The organic stuff reacts with peroxide.

Step 4: If still there, spray liberally with a mixture of 1 tablespoon white vinegar, 1 tablespoon mild soap or shampoo and 2 cups warm water. Scrub gently with natural sponge or soft toothbrush. Wait 10 to 15 minutes.

Step 5: If stain is still there spray dry cleaning fluid on area and follow the directions of the product you use. Wait ten to twenty minutes, then sponge off with a clean rag or towel until nearly dry. The stain should no longer show.

For very stubborn stains, use a commercial stain remover, such as one of these as directed on the label.

Part 3: Remove Dog vomit smell From Wool Rug (If Required)

Tools you’ll need to get started:

  • A small bowl or container
  • Commercial deodorizer spray (Optional)

Step 1: Mix 1/2 cup borax powder with 1/2 cup baking soda.

Step 2: Then, mix it up properly ( You can add your favorite essential oil for fragrance)

Step 3: Sprinkle the mixer over the targeted area and leave overnight.

Step 4: Vacuum out the baking soda in the morning.

Step 5: If smell is still there us a commercial rug deodorizer according to directions.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cleaning Pet Stains On Wool Rugs And Carpet

Q1: Will baking soda remove vomit smell from carpet?

Baking soda will remove some of the smell, and over time with repeated application will remove it all.

Q2: What should not be used on pet vomit?

No chemicals that can bleach or discolor fabric or which contain toxins should be used on carpet. This will either damage the carpet or make pets and children sick.

Q3: Is Steam Cleaning Safe For Wool Rug?

Yes, it’s safe to steam clean wool rug and carpet. The powerful steam efficiently removes older stains and embedded dust from your wool carpet. However, you should be very careful when steaming your soft carpet and rug.

Q3: Will vinegar hurt a wool rug?

White vinegar will not harm any natural fiber rug. Dark or other vinegars may discolor them.

Q4: What’s the best Wool Carpet Stain Remover?

We highly recommend the following commercial stain remover that are safe and 100% effective for cleaning spots from wool carpet:


Finally, if none of these methods work, do not give up. Call your local carpet dealers for information about commercial carpet cleaning or look in your local resources, internet or phone book. Usually, a carpet cleaning company will guarantee their work.

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